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Status is designed to provide security operations teams insight into the current status and general health of the devices and systems within their organization.

The dashboard is the heart of SureView Status and tracks two major types of information—configuration information for individual systems/devices and real-time health


Permission Requirements

To access this page the user will need the following permissions enabled (included in the "Admin" user role)

Allow user to view Status Page
Edit Device Configuration


The Status contains critical & confidential infrastructure information including device passwords. Permission should only be given to high level users such as administrators

The Status Page shows all Device and Health information for the entire customer account and cannot be restricted by area (regardless of the "User Group" settings)

Open Status

To open the Status dashboard

  1. Login to SureView using an account with the Status permission (By default this will be your admin accounts)
  2. Click on the menu in the top right corner
  3. Click "Status"


The Filter section (on the left hand side) allows you to quickly view the status of any of your devices as well filter by:

  • All
  • Healthy (any device that's most recent connection attempt was successful)
  • Unhealthy (any device that's most recent connection attempt failed)
  • Area (Search by Area)
  • Title (Search by the name of the device/camera)



Item Tree

The Item tree in the filter section behaves differently to the normal Area Tree that's shown to operators. This tree is based on the device connection structure.

If you click on an individual Item (Camera, Door, alarm etc) the details of the item will be shown on the right hand side on the Details screen.

  • Ops Link / Appliance
    If a device has been connected without an Ops Link this will say "No Appliance Attached"
    • Device
      i.e. The NVR, VMS or other system that's connected
      • Sync System
        If device has been configured manually rather than with Sync this will be shown as as "Not Synced"
        • Items
          Camera, Audio, Doors, Alarms etc
          The Item icons will be shown in different colours depending on the health
          Green = Healthy (The's most recent connection attempt was successful)
          Red = Unhealthy (The's most recent connection attempt failed)
          Grey = Unknown (There hasn't been a recorded connection attempt)

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Item Details

When an Item is selected from the Filter View the relevant details will be shown on the right hand side. What details are included depends on what type of item or device has been selected and how it has been configured



the Settings section lists out the technical settings and configuration of the selected device. What is shown depends on the configuration of the individual item.

When selecting a Camera the following details may be displayed

  • Server name
    The name of the device the item is connected to (e.g. the name of the NVR, VMS etc)
  • Area
    The name of the Area (Site) the device is associated with
  • Input 1 & Input 2
    The Input identifiers associated with the device (This can often relate to the camera number)
  • Extra Value
    The customisable "Extra Value" field can differ between different types and is usually set automatically
  • Last Alarm
    The last time an alarm linked to this device was received.
  • View Camera
    A Camera Preview button that will quickly launch the camera to test the connection
  • Ping Device
    This will perform a TCP Port check against the device's configured Host address and Port. The results will be displayed after a few moments in alert box in the top right of the screen
  • Linked Alarms
    A list of any alarms linked with this device
  • Map Location
    A map will show the location of the item (if available)

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When selecting a higher level item like an NVR the following details may be displayed

  • Integration Type
    The type of integration used when connecting to this system
  • Area
    Which area this is associated with
  • Host
    The Host address (such as the IP Address or DNS address)
  • Port
    The main port used by the device
  • Username & Password
    The authentication details for this device. To view the password click the eye icon
  • ExtraValue
    The customisable "Extra Value" field can differ between different types. RTSP Devices (for example) user the ExtraValue for the RTSP URL
  • Ping Device
    This will perform a TCP Port check against the device's configured Host address and Port. The results will be displayed after a few moments in alert box in the top right of the screen

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Health History

The Health History  tab shows the history of all recent connection messages for the selected item / device. This will include successful connections or any failure messages. This tab will provide the details needed to help troubleshoot a connection issue.

Important: Error messages are the direct technical messages provided from the device connection. SureView does not directly control what these messages are (as they come from the device). This may include confidential information such as usernames or passwords. Permission to access Status should only be given to high level users such as administrators.



Event Queue - Quick View

If a user has permission to the Status  - they will be able to see a "Quick View" into the System Health from the main Alarm Queue



The red briefcase / suitcase icon indicates how many Unhealthy items / devices are currently on the system. Clicking the button will open a pop-up Status screen



How does Status know if a camera is healthy or unhealthy?

The Healthy / Unhealthy status is based on the last time a user tried to connect to the camera. If it connected successfully it was "healthy" if there was a failure it'll be listed as "unhealthy". Additional users can use the "Ping" button to perform a manual TCP Port Check against a device

Does Status proactively check the connection status of device?

Not currently: At the moment the connection status is based on when an operator or other user tries to connect to a camera to view live video. If the connection fails it will automatically be marked as "Unhealthy" in status

How can I port check or ping a device?

You can use the Ping Device button from within Status to perform a TCP Port check against the Host address and configured port. This will check the network connectivity between the OpsLink and device or SureView SaaS and the device (depending on if an OpsLink is used or not)


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