Event Configuration Setup

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Event Configuration Setup

Event Configuration is where you add event types that you will use for Manual Raises. To reach Event Configuration click the menu buttonmceclip2.png in the top right and select it. 



To add a new event type, click mceclip1.png at the top right. You will then be presented with this screen:


  • Title
    The title of the Manual Raise Event type that operators will see
    e.g. Medical Emergency

  • Description
    An optional description of the Event Type
    e.g. A medical emergency is an acute injury or illness that poses an immediate risk

  • Area
    Which Area is the Event Type is associated with? This will let you customize unique Event Types that are appropriate for specific areas. (This will inherent down the tree.)

  • Default Priority
    This defines the priority of the alarm when it's raised. The higher the number the higher the priority. Alarms with a priority of 1000 or above count as a "High Priority Alarm" and should be reserved for the most serious alarm types.
  • Default Action Plan
    What Action Plan (if any) should operators follow when this alarm is triggered? 

To edit an Event Type you can search the list or use the search box above the list and click the pencil mceclip0.png 

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