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What's New?

At SureView, we are dedicated to enhancing performance and user experience by continually adding new features and optimizing existing workflows. 

As new releases are made available a summary of these updates can be found below. If you have ideas for new features you'd like to see implemented into SureView Cases, don't hesitate to submit them to our team using the Feature Request Forum.

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Release 12 (2024) - 9th December

  • Insights: Resolves inconsistencies by using "Included Calculations" on Insights.
  • Insights: Performance improvements with Cases Insights.
  • Attachments: Added a label beneath the attachments field in Cases that indicates the maximum file size limit and includes a link to all supported attachment file types.


Release 11 (2024) - 14th November

Fixes & Improvements

  • Cases: Resolved an issue where a blank screen would appear when attempting to edit templates.
  • Insights: Resolved an issue where selecting the number of items per page caused the page selector to run off the screen.
  • Sync: Resolved an issue with data duplication during the syncing process.


Release 10.1 (2024) - 23rd October

Fixes & Improvements

  • File Attachments: Added the ability to support .MKV file type uploads in Cases.
  • Originating Event Media: Fix for broken thumbnail images for selected media from the Response originating event


Release 10 (2024) - 8th October

Fixes & Improvements

  • File Attachments: Added the ability to send .mp4 clips as email attachments in Cases.


Release 9 (2024) - 8th August

Fixes & Improvements

  • Areas: Resolved an issue where Cases areas are not updating and syncing correctly to match the area's parent that is in Suite and Response.
  • Cases: Implemented updates to enhance performance.
  • Insights: Resolved an issue that caused incorrect results when adding a filter to Insights.


Release 8 (2024) - 22nd July

Fixes & Improvements

  • Cases: Increased the maximum file upload size in Cases to 50MB.


Release 7 (2024) - 3rd July

Fixes & Improvements

  • Cases: Implemented a fix to improve performance when loading Cases.


Release 6 (2024) - 13th June

New Features

Affected Area Field Location

With this release, we have introduced the ability to move the built-in Affected Area field to the middle of the Case Processing screen. This is especially useful for customers with longer Area names, or those with an Area hierarchy including multiple layers, as it gives more room to display the full name without cutting any text off the screen.


Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 8.56.50 AM.png



Release 5 (2024) - 5th June

Fixes & Improvements

  • Cases: Resolved an issue where the dropdown for a Dynamic Filter on an Insight Dashboard did not cover the entire select-from-list field when selected.


Release 4 (2024) - 23rd May

Fixes & Improvements

  • Areas: Improvements to the component's performance to select an area in Cases.
  • Areas: When using the area selection dropdown, names will now fit into the box without having to scroll to the side to check the full name of the area.
  • Areas: Resolves the issue around the Location Selectable Box and Menu disappearing when clicking outside of the name, box, or scrollbar.


Release 3 (2024) - 29th April

Fixes & Improvements

  • Site Monitor: Resolved an issue where raising an event into Cases from Site Monitor would fail to open a new window with restricted access to Cases.


Release 1 (2024) - 9th April 

New Features

Send Cases As An Email

In this release, we are excited to introduce the new feature that enables you to send cases directly via email. There may be instances where you need to share a case with users or external recipients for review or record purposes. With SureView Cases, this process is made simple. Follow the steps outlined in this article to send cases as an email.




Fixes & Improvements

  • Login: Adds the ability for cases to redirect to the correct location after login.
  • Service Now Fix: Fixes issues with multiple notes getting added for Service Now calls.
  • Numerical Fields: Fixes issues with input fields not accepting decimal points.
  • Fiscal Entries: Fixes issues with the Fiscal input adding .00 before a user can input any decimals.
  • Dashboard: Introduced functionality to improve the performance of Insights on the Dashboard.


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