Permissions Setup

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Permissions Setup

Permissions Set Up allows configuration of User Groups and User Roles.

What are User Roles and User Groups?

User Roles define what users can do.

User Groups define where users can do it


A user role is a predefined set of permissions or privileges that determines what actions the user can perform Each role typically represents a specific job function or level of authority. Examples of user roles can include Operator, Supervisor, Admin etc


A User Group is a predefined set of one or more "User Roles" that are assigned to specific Areas (or Sites). This ensures that the permissions defined in the user role only apply to that location. This allows you to create organisation wide users (e.g. "Global Operators") or more restricted users ("e.g. UK Operators")


Users are then assigned to User Groups when they are created (or edited) in the User Setup page

What are the system defaults?

For new accounts SureView automatically adds three default User Roles and User Groups. The are standard sets of permissions which apply across the organisation.

Default Roles

[Company Name] Admin
Provides full administrator access

[Company Name] Operator
Standard permissions for operators to process alarms

[Company Name] Mobile User
Standard permissions for Mobile Officers (Field Ops)


Default User Groups

[Company Name] Admin
Provides full administrator access the entire organisation

[Company Name]  Operator
Standard permissions for operators to process alarms access the entire organisation 

[Company Name]  Mobile User
Standard permissions for Mobile Officers (Field Ops) access the entire organisation 


Where is the Permission Setup page?

Login to SureView using your Admin account, and navigate to "USER PERMISSIONS" using the menu in the top right corner.


How do I configure "User Roles"

User Roles define what users can do.

User Groups define where users can do it

Navigate to the "User Role" tab in the "User Permissions" setup page.


This page lists all existing roles, you can edit an existing role (excluding "Admin" which cannot be edited) with the edit button EditRoleButton.png or add a new User Role with the Add Role button AddRoleButton.png


When adding or editing a role you are shown a list of possible user permissions that can be granted. Select the ones that are required and press Add



Critical / Administrator User Role Permissions


The following permissions should only be provided to your highest level Administrators

An organisation should always consider what permissions are required for an individual to do their job. There are however selection of permissions that provide very high level of access which SureView recommends should be restricted to only your highest level administrators.

  • Delete or disable areas
    Deleting an Area (or site) permanently removes it from the system, this includes any associated devices and event history. It cannot be recovered.

  • Edit system settings
    System Settings control critical functionality such as Single Sign On, Data Retention and Account Billing.

  • Can edit user roles and groups
    This allows a user to edit and create entire permission sets.

  • Allow the user to edit other users via User Setup
    This allows the edit and creation of other users - including assigning any permission "User Role" (such as "Admin") to that user.

How do I configure "User Groups"

User Roles define what users can do.

User Groups define where users can do it


Navigate to the "User Role" tab in the "User Permissions" setup page. T


As with User Roles, use the Add Group button to add new groups, or the EditRoleButton.png  button to edit an existing User Group.


When creating or editing User Groups you will need to select:

  1. The Area (site) that the user group needs to be associated with
  2. The "User Role" (permission set) that should be used
  3. If this setting should be "Inherited" or not.
    If Inherit is ticked - The permissions  will apply to all associated SubAreas
    If Inherit is unticked - The permissions will apply only to the one selected Area.

Note: The "External Ids" field should be left blank unless you are using the advanced User Syncing feature. To discuss user syncing options please contact SureView support


How do I assign User Groups to individual Users?

User's are assigned to specific "User Groups" from within the User Setup page. Please see the User Setup support page for more details


Example User Role Permissions

Below are examples of possible "User Roles" that could be created and used in an organisation

Basic Operator

Activity Log

  • View Activity Log Management Screen
  • View Activity Log Historical Data
  • Create an Activity Log

Alarm Processing

  • Process all alarms
  • Mask alarm points (Note: This allows for masking up to 24 hours)
  • Allows a user to user the Manual Raise feature
  • Allows a user to view the Situation Report in Site Monitor


  • View Cameras
  • View Media Matrix Controls


  • View event history

Basic Setup / Supervisor User

Activity Log

  • View Activity Log Management Screen
  • View Activity Log Historical Data
  • Create an Activity Log

Alarm Processing

  • Process all alarms
  • Mask alarm points (Note: This allows for masking up to 24 hours)
  • Mask alarm points for an extended period of time (Note: This allows for indefinite alarm masking)
  • Allows a user to user the Manual Raise feature
  • Allows a user to view the Situation Report in Site Monitor


  • View Cameras
  • View Media Matrix Controls


  • Select All Insights Permissions to allow for full reporting


  • View Area configuration
  • Edit device configuration
  • Edit area configuration
  • Allows a user to manage the available contact roles


  • Allow the user request support from SureView system administrators

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