Action Setup
When an operator is handling an event, they can be given a set of instructions to follow, specific to each type of event. Each task can be set to be 'required' or 'not required', and can even be presented conditionally, e.g. in a flow chart.
To begin, click the button in the upper right corner of the Menu. This will take you to a page like this:
The "Action Library" categories will be collapsed when you first open the page. To expand a particular category click the small expand arrow
Here are some descriptions and definitions of what these terms mean:
- Action Library: This is the group of Action Categories. It encompasses the entire left side of the screen.
- Action Categories: These are groupings of related Actions used to create Action Plans. They are on the left side of the screen, within the Action Library. In the image provided, the “Altercation” and “BOLO” Action Categories are visible.
- Action Plans: An Action Plan is a group of actions that can be assigned to an event. These are the actions presented to the operator immediately after joining. They occupy the entire right side of the screen, and can only be viewed one-at-a-time. In the image above, the “Elevator Entrapment” Action Plan is displayed.
- Triggered Action: An Action that is not included in the Action Plan, but is instead created by the completion of a different action, known as the Parent Action.
- Action: A single task, which may consist of a request for input; a yes/no question; a simple instruction; a dispatch request; a URL to open; and more.
Action Step Types
- Basic
Display a given message to the operator with an Tick Box that the operator would need to select to continue. - Yes/No
Ask the operator a Yes / No question - this is often combined with the conditional "Action Triggers" in order to create branching logic - URL
This will show the operator a Link that they will need to click to continue. This can be any URL format including a normal web address, an internal intranet address or even a mailto email link - Call Contact
This will show the operator a list of the available area contacts with their contact details with a given Role (i.e. "First Aider") - Download SitRep
This will show the operator the "Download Situation Report" button - Raise to Case Management
This would provide a button for the operator to raise the particular event to SureView Cases with a summary note.
Note: This is only applicable to customers with a SureView cases account - Event Outcome
This allows the action step to automatically set the appropriate event closure category when completing the action step
It has multiple customisable advanced options including- Acknowlge All Alarms
When the user completes the action step it automatically Acks All alarms (without the operator needing to ack each alarm individually or use the "Ack All" button) - Force Restore all Alarms
Automatically force restore any alarms that are awaiting a restore signal (e.g. "Door Held Open" waiting for a "Door Held Open - Restore" alarm for when the door closes - Skip Required Actions
Skip any other "required" action steps - overriding the normal required action plan process. - Skip Event End Dialog
Immedately close the event when the action step has been completed without needing the popup "Close Event" diaglog to appear - Set Category Note
Auto-fill the extra outcome note (the operator is able to edit this as needed)
If all these advanced options are combined then this action step can be used to immedately close an event with one button click (the action step) - clearing any alarms and returning the operator to the main alarm queue
- Acknowlge All Alarms
Let’s begin making a response to an event. In this case, the event will be a the report of an unattended item. Start by clicking the button. Enter a title in the menu that appears. These titles will be presented to the operator handling the event.
Then scroll to the bottom of the Action Library to see your new, empty, Action Category:
You should populate the Action Category with every Action relevant to the response. Don’t worry about the exact order, or how it will be presented, as this is determined in a later step. Click the button to get started, and this menu will appear:
Select which type of Action you would like from the dropdown menu. Then populate the Action text accordingly and click Add. After adding all Actions to this Category, it may look something like this:
We can now begin to determine the order of how these are presented by creating triggered actions. Clearly, the option only needs to be presented if the
question yields a “No”. To set this option, click the
button to the right of the Parent Action.In this case:
This will open the Triggered Action menu on the right side of the screen. It will look something like this:
To add a Triggered Action to this Parent Action, click the button to the left of the desired Action (
) in the Action Category. This will update the Triggered Action menu to look like the following:
As it stands, this Triggered Action will be presented regardless of how the operator answers the Yes/No question. But we only want it to be presented when the answer is no; so we will select “No” from the “Condition” dropdown menu, making it look like this: . If you want this step to be a required (i,e. compulsory) you may mark it as such with the
We have now prepared our Action Category, and can move onto creating the Action Plan. Again, Actions included in the Action Plan are presented to the operator immediately after joining the event. That is to say, they should not be dependent on the answer to any previous questions. Begin by pressing the button. In the menu that appears, you can enter the title of the Plan. This title will not be presented to the operator, but rather, is a way to identify the plan when we later bind it to an event. It can be the same as the Action Category title if this will not cause confusion.
Select the applicable Area for this Action Plan. Unless your response plans are Area-specific, it’s safest to select the highest level Area available.
Clicking Save will update the Action Plan screen—like this:
We must now add Actions to our Plan from the Action Category we created previously. Much like the Triggered Actions, press the button to add an Action to the Plan. Keep in mind you should exclude any Actions that are Triggered Actions, as they will automatically be included by the completion of their Parent Action. After adding the Actions to the plan, you may click and drag the
button to reorder the Actions, and update the
box to reflect the desired level of enforcement.
Afterwards, your Action Plan might look something like this:
This same procedure can be used to create a new response to any type of event. You may also edit existing Actions using the same process. In the following section, we’ll show you how to create an “Unattended Item” Manual Raise event, and bind this Action Plan to it.
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