Category Setup
Permission Requirements
To access this page the user will need the following permission enabled (included in the "Admin" user role)
- (CanEditEventCategorySetup)—Allows a user to access the event category setup interface
Event Categories
Event Categories (or “Outcomes”) are what operators use to categorize security and activity log events once they have been completed. This is invaluable for reporting and retaining an event history.
When you first created your SureView Ops account we pre-populated your system with some of the most common categories that our customers routinely use (Listed Here) but this list can easily be customized on the Category Setup page.
Category Options
The name of the Category that operators will select when closing an event, manual tour, or logging an activity.
Parent Event Outcome
This is an optional field that allows you to configure a category hierarchy.
Parent Categories will not be selectable by Operators when categorizing an event, they will need to choose an individual Child Category.
This indicates if the category can be used while closing out an Alarm Event.
An Alarm Event is any event handled in the Alarm Processing screen that contains an Alarm. This could be a "Manual Raise" alarm, an SMTP (email) Alarm, or any other alarm that has come into the system.
This indicates if the category can be used when closing out a Manual Tour event.
A Manual Tour Event occurs when an operator uses the "Manual Tour" button to open an Area and view its cameras without an active alarm in the queue.
Activity Log
This indicates if the category can be used when adding Activity Log entries.
Activity Log is for logging non-alarm events to ensure a comprehensive logbook for the SOC. This could include Shift Changes, Personal Breaks, Visitor Check-Ins, etc.
This determines which Areas have access to this category. By default this will be the top level so it can be used across your whole system, but if you have specialized categories that are only applicable to certain areas you will be able to define them here.
This indicates if events of this category should be considered an "Incident". These are usually reserved for serious categories such as "Criminal Activity", "Property Damage" "Fire / Smoke".
This determines if events of this nature remain in your history indefinitely.
This option should be used cautiously and only for your most serious incidents—where it's important to retain the history beyond your normal preferences or time-frames.
Events categorized in this way will not be cleared out until the "Preserved" flag is manually removed from the Event. Note: This could have an impact on your SureView storage as well as your data protection policies.
Disabling or Deleting a Category
Important: SureView Recommends Disabling categories *rather than Deleting) when they are no longer needed.
Rather than Deleting a Category you don't currently need, you can disable it by un-ticking the Alarm, Tour and Activity Log options. This will ensure that operators can't use this category for any new events but will retain the category in case you need it in the future.
If you want to permanently delete a category you can use the delete button. Deleting a category will:
- Delete the Category so it can no longer be used by SureView Users
- Delete the Category Link for all history
- Historic Events using this category will change to "No Category Assigned"
- Historic Events using this category will no longer be shown in standard reports - They will be treated as "Autohandled" events.
To ensure that Categories are not deleted by accident. This functionality is restricted to administrators with the permission:
(CanEditEventCategorySetup)—Allows a user to access the event category setup interface
In addition there is a delete confirmation box that explains what will happen and requires the user to manually type "delete category name" to confirm.
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