Area Details
Clicking the Area name in the top left corner of the screen opens the Area Details window
The Area Details are configured by your administrator when setting up an area in the Area Setup screen and your Area Contacts (also in included in this window) are configured in your Contact Setup screen
The Area details window can include the following information:
- Address
- Primary Phone Numbers
- Main Phone
- Alterative Phone
- Local Police
- Local Fire
- Reference ID
Note: The reference ID is a free text box so your own identifiers can be used - Summary Notes
General information about the Area.
You can use the Area Details tabs to switch between "Contacts" and "Notes"
Contacts list any relevant people assoicated with the Area that may need to be contacted. It includes the following information
- Role
Note: Contacts can be filtered by "role" bu clicking the role drop down box. - Name
- Phone
- Verify PIN (Suite Accounts Only)
Contacts - Verify PIN
- Sureview Suite Account
- PIN configured for the relevant contacts within the Suite Contact Setup screen
Any area contacts who have a configured PIN a key icon will appear in the Pin Verification column. Clicking this will allow the operator to validate that the provided PIN is correct.
Entering the Pin Code incorrectly will report "Pin Code is Invalid".
Entering the Pin Code correctly will report "Pin Code is Valid"
The result will also be logged into the event's audit trail.
Area Notes are general notes about this area/site/location that may be helpful for users to know. Area Notes are not tied to individual alarms or events
Example: "Construction work happening on Ground Floor"
Area notes allow users to view and add text notes to Areas providing more information to operators when processing alarms or for quick reference.
Notes can contain any text that may be useful for operators to be able to quickly access.
While in an event, the Notes Icon shows how many notes have been added to this Area. Clicking the Notes button will bring up the Notes window where users can view or edit existing notes, or add new area notes.
Or you can click on the Notes tab while in the Area Details
Note: The Start and End DateTime are optional and are for reference only, the "End" date time does not automatically delete or remove the note.
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