Native Integration Available
This integration requires a Class 3 License and a Device Server. Please contact your account manager for more details.
Native Integration: Supported Features
- Alarm
- Output/Door Control
- Sync / Get Config
Native Integration: Requirements
License Requirements
A licensed RS2 Access It!® Universal.NET server
Network Requirements
From | To | Port | Description |
SureView Device Server | RS2 Access It! Server |
Configurable (Default: 443) |
REST API Commands |
All communication to the API must be done through HTTPS. This will require a SSL certificate to be created/purchased and then bound to the port used by the API
- Within Access It! / RS2, navigate to the System | Servers section
- Edit the Access It!, server
- Select the services tab
- Configure the port for the API service as needed
- Click Save
- Restart the Access It! services
Permission Requirements
RS2 User with "View All" and "Execute All Commands" permissions for:
- Sites
- SCPs
- Readers
- Inputs
- Outputs Alarms/Event
Native Integration: Sync Configuration
Using the SureView Advanced Device Setup go to the Sync Tab and add "RS2" as a new Sync System including the following fields
Host | IP address or host of the RS2 server |
Port | The RS2 "REST API" port (default = 80) |
Username | The username of your RS2 account |
Password | The password of your RS2 account |
Extra value |
The ExtraValue is built up with the following settings:
The API Key that SureView will use to connect to RS2 with APIKey="xxxxxxxxxxx"
Your preferred Alarm Acknowledgment Mode AcknowledgementMode="None" / "AutoAck" / "OperatorAck"
None = Don't Ack alarms in RS2 AutoAck = Ack alarms in RS2 as soon as they are received in SureView OperatorAck = Ack alarms in RS2 as soon as they are acknowledged by an operator in SureView SureView
example APiKey="xxxx";AcknowledgementMode="OperatorAck" |
Native Integration: Area Sync
Once you have saved your Sync Configuration (described above) you can then add the individual Area Syncs to synchronise RS2 "Sites" against individual Areas in Sure View.
- Go to the Sureview "Syncs" tab (when adding or editing your Sync System)
- Click Add Area Sync
- Complete the Area Sync Fields
Field | Value |
Title | The friendly name for the Area Sync |
Area | Which SureView Area should the sync use when adding doors/alarms etc |
Identifier |
The RS2 Site Name(s) or Device Names Prefix that you would like to sync against in the following format
SiteNames="Test Site 1; Test Site 2; Test Site 3"; OR TitlePrefix="DeviceName"
Note: if using TitlePrefix matching the above example would match anything that started "DeviceName". e.g. DeviceName1, DeviceName2, DevicenName3 would all match |
Interval | How often should the system sync into SureView? default: 24 hours |
Enabled |
Enable or Disable the automatic Sync default on |
Allow Update Area | Allows the sync to automatically move synced doors/alarms to a different area Default off recommended to keep off |
Allow update Device Settings |
Allows the sync to automatically update the door/alarm settings
recommended to keep off |
Native Integration: Configuration
Add Site
To add a site in RS2 start by going to the System tab on the left. You can then add the site by clicking the New button in the top left of the application. This will then bring up a window to configure the new site.
To add an SCP start by selecting the Hardware tab on the left. You will then be able to select the SCP section. From here you can select the New button in the top left. You will then be able to configure your SCP before adding it. Once configuration is complete select the Save button.
Configuring Events
In order for events to be brought into Sureview the Annunciation type will have to be set to Alarm within RS2 . To do this select whichever device group tab contains the device on the left of the application.
Double click the device you would like to configure, this will show the device settings. Go to the Events tab and find the event you would like to be recognised by Sureview. You can change the Annunciation Type by double clicking the value and selecting the correct type. Once configuration is complete, select the Save button.
In addition to the SureView configured details (such as Alarm Point Names, Area Details, Floor Plans etc) alarms will also include as much relevant information from RS2 as possible, including:
- Source Name
- Card Holder Name
- Alarm Description
- Alarm Type
- Acknowledgment ID
- Source ID
- Alarm Location
- Timestamp
Note: Access Granted Alarms are ignored by default. To enable them please raise a support ticket to discuss with the SureView Team
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