Why am I receiving a priority 0 (zero) alarm?

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Why am I receiving a priority 0 (zero) alarm?

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Option 1 - The alarm has been configured as a 0 priority alarm

An alarm will have a priority 0 (zero) if both the individual alarm point and the matching alarm event type have been configured with 0 (or blank) as their default priority.

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Option 2 - The incoming alarm failed to match to an alarm point and/or alarm event type

If an alarm was received from the alarming system but it doesn't exactly match to a known alarm point or event type within the SureView configuration then the alarm may still be triggered into the queue as a precaution but without any matching configuration it will default as a 0 priority alarm.

If your alarm isn't matching and your setup team hasn't been able to resolve the issue by adding the appropriate alarm point then please contact SureView Support for assistance

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