Alarm Queue
Incoming Alarms Events are displayed here in the queue, in priority order. Each Alarm includes the following information:
- How long ago the event was triggered
- Where the event occurred
- The name of the event
- The alarm priority
- How many times the alarm has been triggered
When there are active Alarms in the queue, a red border will periodically flash around the SureView window. If sound is enabled, you will also hear an alarm sound (How do I mute the alarm sounds? )
The Alarm queue displays a list of Alarm events that need to be handled.
Important Note: Alarm Processing can't be used in multiple tabs or windows at the same time on the same computer.
Important Note - Alarm Grouping An Alarm Event is one or more individual Alarms records grouped to be processed together. This allows operators to handle multiple triggers for the same Area/Site as a single Event How alarms are grouped depends on the individual alarm settings and controlled by your Administrator - See Alarm Setup
Example An intruder is walking around an Area. As they walk they are triggering multiple alarms from different detectors and cameras. All of these alarms are automatically grouped together and added into the queue as a single Event to be processed. When the operator starts processing the Alarm Event they will be able to see each individual alarm and all of the associated alarm clips. |
Each event in the queue will show how long ago the first Alarm for that event came in, the Area in which the Alarm is taking place, the name and type of the highest priority Alarm in the event, and how many Alarms are grouped into this event.
By default, this queue is sorted by priority (highest priority at the top) then age. If two or more Alarms have matching priority, it will show the oldest Alarm at the top.
By clicking the column headers, you can sort by that column. Clicking on the column again will first reverse the order, and then reset the sort back to default.
Clicking on an event in the queue will allow you to claim it and start handling it—it will also remove it from the active Alarm queue for all other Users, and move you into the response screen.
Process an Alarm Event You can start processing an alarm in three different ways
For each event, you may also see a number of other "Action" icons which provide quick actions or hover information for the operator.
Icon | Description | Action |
An operator started processing the event but it was returned to the queue without being closed. This may happen if the Operator left / parked the event or it timed out due to inactivity |
Hovering over the icon shows who last processed the alarm and when. | |
Event Location Map Pin |
Clicking the pin will focus the Alarm Queue map to the event's location |
This icon will appear if an alarm event is older than the "Alarm Age Warning" settings (configured in organisational settings). |
Hovering over this icon will display the age warning time limit |
Event Peek - This allows operators to "peek" into an alarm event without fully opening or processing it. |
Clicking this will open an event window showing the audit or alarm history of the event. Allowing operators to add notes or view the status without picking the event up for processing. |
Event Queue - Quick View
If a user has permission to the Status - they will be able to see a "Quick View" into the System Health from the main Alarm Queue
The red briefcase / suitcase icon indicates how many Unhealthy items / devices are currently on the system. Clicking the button will open a pop-up Status screen
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