Audit Trail

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Audit Trail


SureView maintains a log of all actions taken by users while procuring an Event. This history can then be reviewed in the Event Search and Insights pages

This audit trail includes logs of:

  • The individual alarm details and when they were acknowledged
  • Details of when operators open or close the alarm event
  • Details of any live cameras that have been accessed
  • Any notes or action steps that have been completed
  • Any other operator action taken

The audit trail will always save the exact Date and Time the action happened and which operator perform the action.

The audit section of the active event displays this record in real time. Users can also access the historic audit trail for closed events via the Event Search or Insights Reports

The Event and Audit history is stored for the length of time specified by your administrator in the  Retention Settings.

Within the Alarm Processing Screen the audit trail is split into different Tabs to make it easier to organise  and find the type of audit logs that are required....

All Tab

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Clicking All will show a complete trail of every single record within this event.

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The audit trail logs includes the Date Time of each item, shown in both the users' current local time zone and the time zone of the Area (useful when monitoring areas across multiple time zones).

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The logs also include details of the user who performed the action (if appropriate) - hovering over the initials will show the full name of the user

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The types of records shown in All list can include

  • Alarm Records
    The individual alarms that have been received in this event. Red alarms are awaiting acknowledgment from the user. To acknowledge an individual alarm the user must click it in the trial or alternative use the "Ack All" button to acknowledge all alarms in the event.

  • Operator Records
    operator steps such as acknowledging alarms)

  • Device Records
    Any device actions such as Viewing Cameras, Transmitting Audio or triggering outputs/relays

  • Action Records
    Complete history of all the completed action steps and their results for this event

    Any additional operator notes that they have made during the Event

  • Messages
    Any chat messages that have been sent or received during this event. This can be between users collaborating on the same event or between operator users and Field Ops Mobile users.

Alarms Tab

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SureView maintains a log of all actions taken by users while procuring an Event. This history can then be reviewed in the Event Search and Insights pages

The audit section of the page displays this record. At the top, you can switch between different filters to see specific types of records.

Clicking Alarms will show a complete trail of each alarm received within this event.

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 Red alarms are awaiting acknowledgment from the user. To acknowledge an individual alarm the user must click it in the trial or alternative use the "Ack All" button to acknowledge all alarms in the event.

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The alarm logs includes

  • Time
    The Date Time of when the Alarm was received -  shown in both the users' current local time zone and the time zone of the Area (useful when monitoring areas across multiple time zones).

  • Priority
    The Priority of the alarm (the higher the priority, the more important the alarm).
  • Details
    The text details of the alarm, the structure of the details can vary slightly depending on how it's been configured but generally follows the structure
    Alarm Point Name - Alarm Type - Alarm Text
  • Linked Cameras
    How many cameras this particular alarm has been linked (or is associated) with.
  • Operator
    This is generally blank as isn't relevant for the alarm record

  • Quick Mask
    A quick mask button that allows an operator with the appropriate permissions to quickly mask (disarm) the alarm point associated with this incoming al;arm.
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  • Location Pin
    Clicking the location pin will focus the Map to the alarm's location.
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Alarm Technical Details

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The Technical Details for an individual alarm can be expanded bu using the arrow button. This will then show extra information including

  • Event Record ID
    The unique identifier of the received alarm.
  • Input 1 & Input 2
    The alarm point's input number. used to help identify the alarm point

  • Device
    The name of the alarming device - For standard email alarms this will be "Alarm Server"
  • Device Type
    The type of the alarming device - For standard email alarms this will be "Default Alarm Server"
  • Location
    The GPS Latitude,Longitude coordinates of the alarm. Clicking the coordinates will focus the map to the alarm's location
  • Email
    If the alarm was triggered by an email - the Email button will appear in the "Technical Details" section. Clicking the button will open the email preview screen which shows the original email text (including any attachments) - This can provide the user with more information or context regarding the alarm.
    Note: The email button may take a few seconds to appear depending after expanding the alarm's technical details.
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Alarm Clips

The Alarms list in Media Matrix now has a reference image that shows if the clips of an alarm are currently being shown in the Media Matrix and it's relative position in the media matrix grid.


Operator Tab

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SureView maintains a log of all actions taken by users while procuring an Event. This history can then be reviewed in the Event Search and Insights pages

The audit section of the page displays this record. At the top, you can switch between different filters to see specific types of records.

Click Operator will show the operator steps including when they started processing the event, acknowledged any alarms, parked the event etc

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The Operator Audit Trial includes:

  • Time
    The Date Time of when the Alarm was received -  shown in both the users' current local time zone and the time zone of the Area (useful when monitoring areas across multiple time zones).

  • Details
    The details of the audit log explaining what happened

  • Operator
    The operator this audit log is associated with. Hovering over the initials will show the operator's full name

Devices Tab

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SureView maintains a log of all actions taken by users while procuring an Event. This history can then be reviewed in the Event Search and Insights pages

The audit section of the page displays this record. At the top, you can switch between different filters to see specific types of records.

Devices will show all Device actions - including a log of every time a camera is viewed, audio is transmitted or outputs are triggered.

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The Devices Audit Trial includes:

  • Time
    The Date Time of when the action was made -  shown in both the users' current local time zone and the time zone of the Area (useful when monitoring areas across multiple time zones).

  • Details
    The details of the audit log explaining what happened

  • Operator
    The operator this audit log is associated with. Hovering over the initials will show the operator's full name

Actions Tab

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SureView maintains a log of all actions taken by users while procuring an Event. This history can then be reviewed in the Event Search and Insights pages

The audit section of the page displays this record. At the top, you can switch between different filters to see specific types of records.

Actions shows a log of all completed Action Steps during this event.

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The Actions Audit Trial includes:

  • Time
    The Date Time of when the action was made -  shown in both the users' current local time zone and the time zone of the Area (useful when monitoring areas across multiple time zones).

  • Details
    The details of the audit log explaining what Action step was completed and the result.

  • Operator
    The operator this audit log is associated with. Hovering over the initials will show the operator's full name

Notes Tab

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SureView maintains a log of all actions taken by users while procuring an Event. This history can then be reviewed in the Event Search and Insights pages

The audit section of the page displays this record. At the top, you can switch between different filters to see specific types of records.

Notes shows the quick notes that operators have taken during the Event using the "Add a note" field. This can include text notes or attachments

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The Notes Trail includes:

  • Time
    The Date Time of when the action was made -  shown in both the users' current local time zone and the time zone of the Area (useful when monitoring areas across multiple time zones).

  • Details
    The complete Note text or attachment info

  • Operator
    The operator this audit log is associated with. Hovering over the initials will show the operator's full name

  • Download Attachment
    The download button appears next to attached files and lets users download any attachments that had been previously uploaded as a Note Attachment
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Uploading Attachments

Use the Clipboard icon to attach a file to the the Event's notes history. You will need to also include text in the text before before the Add button (+) is enabled. Once done press the Add button or click Enter

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Messages Tab

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SureView maintains a log of all actions taken by users while procuring an Event. This history can then be reviewed in the Event Search and Insights pages

The audit section of the page displays this record. At the top, you can switch between different filters to see specific types of records.

Messages are unique in the audit trail - this allows users to send messages to each other inside an event. This includes operators and any mobile field ops users

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The messages screen includes:

  • The full name of the user who sent the chat message
  • An icon indicating if it was a Web or Mobile message
  • A number on the Messages box indicating if there any unread messages.

Users can send messages by typing in the "Send a message" box and pressing the Plus button

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