Viewing your Fields in a Record

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Viewing your Fields in a Record

In the last step, we walked through creating new fields.  We then updated your template and added your new fields within a new section, and now we are going to create another new Record so you can see and use them.

As before, click the New button in the top right and you'll be presented with the options to create a new Record



When you see the new record options appear, select the template you created earlier, called Public Events.

You will now see your new section which you created called First Section, and within that section you have the fields you created and assigned to Public Events.



Let's take a look at these fields in more detail.

Event Date

The Date data type presents a number of options to the user to help you easily choose some common options.  These are Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow.  Clicking any of these will populate the date textboxes.  The will clear the date.


You can also click on each text box to manually enter the date or alternatively, you can click the Pick Date and use the pop up to navigate around a calendar and choose from there.



Event External Link

The external link will display a link which when clicked on, it will open in a new tab.



People Involved in Event

This field was set-up with a numeric data type.  This means only numbers can be entered or copied into this field.



Prev - Adding Fields to your Template Next - Creating a Custom View


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