How do I clear my browser cache? / How do I make sure I'm loading the latest version of SureView Response?

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The vast majority of the time your internet browser will automatically load the latest version of SureView Response however if for some reason it doesn't you can clear your browser cache (it's history) and force it to load the latest version of SureView Response next time you load the page.



  1. Press Ctrl+H on the keyboard (or Command (⌘) + Y if you are on a Mac)
  2. Click Clear browsing data
  3. Click the Advanced tab
  4. Set the Time range to All time
  5. Check every box except "password and other sign-in data" and 'site setting' (keep those two boxes unchecked)
  6. Press Clear Data
  7. Open SureView Response (using the address appropriate to your region / account)
  8. Press F12 on the keyboard
  9. Right Click on the page Refresh button (on the top Chrome toolbar)
  10. Click Empty cache and hard reload
  11. Once the page has reloaded: Press F12 on the keyboard again to close the Dev Tools window
  12. The latest version of SureView Response should now be loaded.


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