Restorable Alarms

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Restorable Alarms

Restorable Alarms are alarms that be restored to their normal state after the triggering condition has been resolved. Restore Alarms are the notifications or signals sent by the security system to indicate that a previously triggered restorable alarm has been successfully resolved.

For example a "Door Held Open" alarm could trigger, and would wait to receive it's corresponding "Door Held Open Restore" alarm to indicate that the door has now been closed.


Note: Alarm Automation such as post-alarm recording do not trigger on "Restore" alarm types.


Within SureView Response, an alarm type that has been configured to expect a corresponding Restore Alarm will block an operator from closing the event until the restore has been received. 

  • The "End" buttons are disabled
  • The Alarm is Bold and Underlined
  • A Red bell/alarm icon is displayed


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Once the Restore alarm is received, the "Awaiting Restore" status is removed and the event can be closed as normal (assuming all other conditions have been satisfied such as Alarm Acknowledgment and any outstanding Action Plan Steps)

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Forced Restore

An operator can override the restore state of the alarm manually by clicking on the Red Bell/Alarm icon. A reason for the forced restore must be given.

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