How do I update an Event after it's been closed?

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How do I update an Event after it's been closed?

Required Permission: "Event Search" (restricted to Admins by default)

Supplementary information can be added to an event after it's been closed from the Event Search screen.  Supplementary information can include both text and attached files and is logged against the event within the Notes section.

Please note that previously entered fields (such as Event Category or the Alarm Type/Location) cannot be edited. As an alternative notes can be added using the Supplementary information to explain if there has been a mistake or the event has since changed (e.g. "Operator selected the wrong category - Result should have been "Medical - No Injury")

  1. Go To Event Search
  2. Find the specific event in the history
  3. Enter the supplemental information text (and add any attachments using the paper-clip button)
  4. Press the Add (+ button to save
  5. supplemental informations then added to the Notes section



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